lunes, 20 de junio de 2011

How Language is Shaped

Indicate if TRUE or FALSE, provide the correct info.
1.- Comsky calims that we have a predisposition to speak: TRUE

2.- Chomsky claims that we have not been genetically programmed with mental structures: FALSE
Human beings are genetically preprogrammed to develop language

3.- Nouns, adjective and adverbs are not used in our universal grammar: FALSE
Nouns, adjective and adverbs are used in all languages but their differences are where they are situated in the grammar structures.

4.- We are Able to learn an Alien's Language: FALSE
If their language violetes the principles of our universal grammar we couldn't be able to undestand their language because it could have different codes.

5.-Skinner, Chomsky and Piaged agreed on their theories: FALSE
They had different theories about how human beigns develop their languages.

6.- Skinner believes that a language organ can develop regarding the environment: FALSE
Chomsky believes that a language organ can develop regarding the environment

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