miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

What is Applied Linguistics?

1.- How is Language defined?
Language is a method of comunication of ideas, emotion and desires. It has three different approaches: as a social fact, mental organ and abstract object.
2.- What is Applied Linguistics?
Applied Linguistic is the study of language users and how do they use it.
3.- Which is defferent in L1 and L2 acquisition?
The difference is that in L1 we learn it unconsciously, without a method; It comes naturaly. In the other hand, L2 acquisition needs to be conscious about (It is a counscious pprocess) in order to have a better learning.
4.- What are the diference between Acquisition and Learning?
Acquisition is an unconscious process that depends on the exposure to the Language.  Different from that, learning is a conscious process and depends on the thorough explanation of grammar rules.
5.- Which factors are part of L2 learning?
The factors are two:  affective factor (stress, self-consciousness) and transfer (trying to apply rules from L1 to L2) which can be positive or negative.
6.- What is interlanguage?
It is when learners create words that do not exist neither of their language.